February 23, 2025

France Legalizes Abortion

1 min read
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France makes abortion constitutional right

In a landmark decision, the French government has passed a law making abortion a constitutional right. This move is seen as a major step towards ensuring reproductive rights and gender equality in the country.

The law, which was passed by a majority in the French parliament, guarantees every woman the right to access safe and legal abortion services. This decision comes after years of advocacy by women’s rights groups and activists who have been calling for greater access to reproductive healthcare.

With this new law, France joins a growing number of countries that have recognized abortion as a fundamental human right. It is a significant victory for women’s rights and a step towards achieving gender equality in the country.

French President Emmanuel Macron has welcomed the decision, stating that it is a positive step towards ensuring women’s rights and autonomy over their bodies. The government will now work towards implementing the law and ensuring that women have access to safe and legal abortion services.

This decision has been met with both praise and criticism, with some conservative groups expressing opposition to the law. However, the majority of the French population has shown support for the government’s decision, viewing it as a positive development for women’s rights in the country.

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