January 18, 2025

Secondary School Notification Dates

1 min read
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When do families find out about secondary school places?

Parents and guardians are usually informed about their child’s secondary school place in the spring term of the academic year. The exact date may vary depending on the local education authority’s admissions process.

In England, the deadline for submitting applications for secondary school places is usually in October of the previous year. After the deadline, the local authority will process the applications and notify families of the outcome in March, typically on March 1st.

It is important for families to carefully follow the application process and ensure that all necessary documents are submitted on time to avoid any delays in receiving the school placement offer.

Once families receive the notification of the secondary school place, they will have a specified deadline to accept or decline the offer. If they are not satisfied with the allocated school, they may also have the option to appeal the decision.

Overall, the process of finding out about secondary school places can be a stressful time for families, but being informed and prepared can help make the transition smoother for both the child and their parents or guardians.

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